Red Black Trees (2)

In this section, we will focus on the deletion. Deleting a node from a RBT takes \(O(\lg{N})\) time, and it is more complicated than inserting a node.

Delete a node (1)

A helper method

As part of the process of deleting a node, subtrees need to move around. The following subroutine transplant() does the following work:

  • replaces the subtree rooted at node u with the subtree rooted at node v
  • node u's parent becomes node v's parent
  • u's parent ends up having v as its child

First, let's design an algorithm to delete a node as if there were no color in nodes.

Deleting a node given a key can be described as

  • First, find a node z given a key
  • Then, delete node z
public void remove(int key) {
    Node z = get(key);
    if (z != null) {

Delete a node (2)

Recap the two cases of deleting a node z in a BST:

  • Case 1. z has at most one child. To delete z, we use its child (it can be null) to take the position of z.
  • Case 2. z has two children. Then y is the successor of z.right. If y is not z.right, execute step (a) and (b) sequentially; otherwise, execute only step (b).
    • (a) y.right (it can be null) takes the position of y, and then update y.right to z.right.
    • (b) y takes the position of z, and then update y.left to z.left.

In fact, case 2 can be transformed into case 1 by updating the z.key to y.key. In light of this, we can design a more readable algorithm:

By taking the leverage of the ternary conditional operator in Java, the code can be even shorter in practice for case 1:

Node<Key> x = (z.left != null) ? z.left : z.right;
transplant(z, x);

In Python, it can be written as:

x = z.left if z.left is not None else z.right
transplant(z, x)

Delete a node (3)

To delete a node z in a RBT, we need to consider the color of it:

  • If z is RED, then it will not violate any red-black tree property.
  • If z is BLACK, then it violates Property 5 (*change in black height).

We are going to say that Property 5 has not been violated and the node x which is now occupying z's original position has an extra black in it. In this way, the property of black height is not violated but Property 1 is violated, because x now is either

  • Double black, transformed from BLACK.
  • Red and black, transformed from RED.

For example, deleting z in the following result in a red and black node:

With this thinking, we can say that either Property 1, 2 or 4 can be violated. If x is red and black or is root, we can simply color it black.

What if x is null?

Now let's consider a special case when x is null (i.e., z does not have any child). As we can see, the introduction of the sentinel (NIL) will lead to simpler code, because we can regard it as a regular node whose color is always black. For example, we are able to up-swim to the parent from a NIL, and \(v.p \gets u.p\) is always valid in the transplant.

Therefore, suppose z has at most one child, we use its child x to replace its position:

  • Case a: if z is red, then just delete it.
  • Case b: if z is black with a red child x, then color x to black.
  • Case c: if z is black, and x is also black, then things get complicated, and we need to fix it up. In this case, x is a double black node.

To understand case c, readers can try to maintain the BST by deleting 1:

In what follows, we will analyze four sub-cases for case c when x is a left child, and another four cases when x is a right child is symmetric.

Case 1: x's sibling w is red

Case 1 is transformed into case 2, 3, or 4 by exchanging the colors of nodes B and D and performing a left rotation.

Case 2: x's sibling w is black, and both of w's children are black

To balance the black height, this cases removes one black from both x and w, leaving x with only one black and leaving w red. To compensate for x and w each losing one black, x.p can take on an extra black. Line 16 does so by moving up x to its parent.

Note that B is colored in brown, meaning it can be either black or red. If case 2 enters from case 1, then the new node x (i.e., B) is red-and-black. Then the while loop terminates.

Case 3: x’s sibling w is black, w’s left child is red, and w’s right child is black

This case switches the colors of w and its left child w.left, and then performs a right rotation on w. Then it falls through into case 4.

Case 4: x's sibling w is black, and w's right child is red.

Some color changes and a left rotation on x.p allow the extra black on x to vanish. Note that D's color is set to the one of B. Line 31 sets x to root, and the while loop will terminate.