
  1. Please implement a BST which contains both keys and values. In other words, it works like a map, and it supports:
  • put(key, value): If key is found, update its associated value to value; otherwise, insert a new node.
  • get(key): Return value associated with key; return null if key is not present.
  • delete(key): Delete the node whose key is key; do nothing if key is not present.

  1. When updating (i.e., put() or delete()) a BST, it is required that the binary-search-tree property holds true. Please design an algorithm to check whether a given BST is valid.

  1. In our implementation of remove() of a BST, x can be replaced with the leftmost (i.e, min) node y in the tree rooted at x.right. Alternatively, x can also be replaced with the the rightmost (i.e., max) node z in the tree rooted at x.left. Essentially, z is the predecessor of x. Please design an algorithm using this idea.

           10                              8
         /     \         delete(10)      /    \
       7       15       --------->     7       15 
     /  \    /   \                    /       /  \ 
    5    8  11   18                 5        11   18

  1. Please implement removeMax(x, key) which returns a new root for a BST in an iterative way.

  1. Ordered-based operations.
  • Please implement all order-based operations for a BST introduced in Binary Search Tree (2).
  • Can you implement them in an iterative way?

  1. Please argue that inserting a new key into a RBT will never violate Property 1, 3 and 4.

  1. Try to implement a RBT with a global NIL object.

  1. Please plot the height of a RBT with random N keys.

  1. A node x is inserted into a RBT with put() and then is immediately deleted with remove(). Is the resulting tree always the same as the initial red-black tree? Justify your answer.

  1. If we didn't introduce NIL object, then how to handle the case when x is null for the deletion on a RBT?

  1. Draw the RBT that results when you insert items with the keys (10, 2, 30, 40, 26, 32, 11, 18) in that order into an initially empty tree.

  1. Please design an algorithm to check whether a given RBT is valid.

  1. A k-d tree (short for k-dimensional tree) is a space-partitioning data structure for organizing points in a k-dimensional space.

Please complete the code based on kd_tree.py or KDTree.java.