Index Priority Queue

In fact, when designing a priority queue, we shall assume that the keys are immutable. In other words, the client code does not change the keys; otherwise, it might invalidate the heap-order invariant. For example, b2 will be the first (root) element:

// assume books are compared by their prices
MaxPQ<Book> qp = new MaxPQ<Book>();
Book b1 = new Book("Gone with the wind", 89, "Margaret Mitchell");
Book b2 = new Book("Data structures", 120, "Unknown");
Book b3 = new Book("The old man and the sea", 36, "Ernest Hemingway");

But what if the sellers offer a 50% discount on b2? You may expect b1 will become the first (root) element. However, the reheapifying process will not happen automatically. One common solution to this is an index priority queue.

An index priority queue assigns an index as the position to the element, and thus we can retrieve the element through the index, and we can even change the priority during runtime. In what follows, we will implement an IndexedMinPQ, and the maximum-oriented version is similar. For brevity, the error handling code is omitted.


We mainly use the array as the underlying data structure:

  • Key[] keys: keys[i] is the priority of i
  • int[] pq: binary heap using 1-based indexing
  • int[] qp: reverse of pq, so qp[pq[i]] = pq[qp[i]] = i
  • n: the size of the heap

Given the heap pq, the elements will be compared by keys[pq[i]], instead of pq[i]. As a result, the minimal key is keys[pq[1]]. To insert a key with an associated index i:

public void insert(int i, Key key) {
    qp[i] = n;
    pq[n] = i;
    keys[i] = key;

It means that the n-th location of the heap (pq) stores the key's associated index i. Note that the map from i to n can be returned via the reverse array qp. After swimming, both pq and qp might change. Let's recap the connections again:

  • keys: a key has an associated index i
  • pq: the heap whose position j stores index i, and the comparator is based on keys[i]
  • qp: the reverse array of pq

Readers can try to implement the following methods, and the complete code can be found at and

public int delMin() {
    // remove the minimum key and return its index

public void changeKey(int i, Key key) {
    // change the key associated with index `i` to `key`