
Different from stacks, a queue is a collection of objects that are inserted and removed according to the first-in, first-out (FIFO) policy. It supports two basic operations:

  • enqueue(): add a new item
  • dequeue(): remove an item

It also supports two more operations sometimes: size() and isEmpty(), returning number of items in the queue, and answering is the queue empty?, respectively.

Queue: a line of people, usually standing or in cars, waiting for something (from Cambridge dictionary).

When you hear of queues, you shall image a line of people waiting for the service before a counter as illustrated in the following figure1:

As a running example of queues, let's consider what happens when you are calling 10086. Suppose there is only one telephone operator, and she is free now:

ActionContents in the queueWho is being served
Bob is calling[]Bob
Alice is calling[Alice]Bob
Jack is calling[Alice, Jack]Bob
Mike is calling[Alice, Jack, Mike]Bob
Bob ends his calling[Jack, Mike]Alice
Mary is calling[Jack, Mike, Mary]Alice
Alice ends her calling[Mike, Mary]Jack
Jack ends his calling[Mary]Mike

1 This figure is from Algorithms, 4th.