Time Format

This table is adapted from gnuplot in action.

Conversion specifierInput (set timefmt)Output (set _tics format)Description
%a✔️Abbreviated day of the week (e.g., Sun, Mon, ...)
%A✔️Full day of the week (e.g., Sunday, Monday, ...)
%b✔️✔️Abbreviated name of the month; three characters (e.g., Jan, Feb, ...)
%B✔️✔️Full name of the month (e.g., January, February)
%d✔️✔️Day of the month; always two digits (01-31)
%D✔️Shorthand for %m/%d/%y (e.g., 03/25/08)
%F✔️Shorthand for %Y-%m-%d (e.g., 2008-03-25)
%H✔️✔️24-hour clock; always two digits (00-24)
%I✔️12-hour clock; always two digits (00-12)
%j✔️✔️Day of the year; always three digits (001-366)
%k✔️24-hour clock; one or two digits (0-24)
%l✔️12-hour clock; one or two digits (0-12)
%m✔️✔️Month; always two digits (01-12)
%M✔️✔️Minute; always two digits (00-60)
%p✔️"am", "pm"
%r✔️Shorthand for %I:%M:%S %p (e.g., 10:55:48 pm)
%R✔️Shorthand for %H:%M (e.g, 22:12)
%s✔️Unix epoch seconds
%S✔️✔️Seconds; always two digits (00-60)
%T✔️Shorthand for %H:%M:%S (e.g, 22:12:48)
%U✔️Week of the year; starting on Sunday; always two digits (00-53)
%w✔️Day of the week; 0=Sunday; always two digits (00-06)
%W✔️Week of the year; starting on Monday; always two digits (00-53)
%y✔️✔️Year; always two digits (00-99)
%Y✔️✔️Year; always four digits (0000-9999)